The GTC consults and advises the Executive University Board as well as the JGU’s faculties and schools on current interdisciplinary topics in higher education teaching.Its recommendations are based not only on the expertise of its members, but also on dialogue with the faculties and schools executive university board. The GTC also passes on its experience through its participation in committees and projects.
- Appreciation of teaching, especially in the context of appointments for professors
- AI in teaching and exams
- Integrating tasks in research and teaching
- Current challenges in the roles of students and teachers in face-to-face-teaching
- Teaching load and teaching performance
- Digitization / Teaching in the digital age
- Handling the results of teaching assessments
- Project “Vision Studium 2030” (sounding board)
- How to deal with the abolition of compulsory attendance for students (Higher Education Act)
- Criteria for the accreditation of study programs
- Implementation of a platform for sharing ideas on teaching (steering committee)
- Project “Lehren, Organisieren, Beraten” (steering committee)
- Competence-oriented teaching
- Description of the state of teaching at JGU
- Supervising academic and artistic assignments
- Involving doctoral candidates in teaching (in cooperation with the Gutenberg Council for Young Researchers)
- Adjusting the introductory phase of study to the needs of “Millennials”
Further information can be found on the German website of the GTC.