“Innovative teaching projects” are special concepts and events associated with learning and teaching. They are usually limited to one or two semesters. The aim of promoting these these projects – together with other teaching support projects – is to improve teaching to the benefit of our students, but also to emphasize the status of teaching within the university. Projects should be innovative regarding content, the further development of teaching and learning processes and/or methods. Sustainability, transferability or the model character of the project are – amongst others – further criteria for funding.
- All full-time teaching staff at JGU can apply.
- The maximum funding amount is € 15.000. This funding is to be primarily used to hire research and student assistants or tutors.
- Please note the application deadline for the winter semester (May 15) and summer semester (December 1).
Further information can be found in the detailed call for proposals and the application form on the German website of the GTC. Please contact us if you need an English version.